Friday, December 31, 2010
F3 2011 Mencabar F5 2011 (cubaan)
kami (f4 2011) tidak mahu kes2 lampau berlaku kembali..kami (f4 2011) akan menjadi penyokong kalian...kah3..
Welcome 2011
semoga menempuhinya dgn penuh ketabahan dan kesabaran !!!
yup !!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Senarai Kejohanan 2011

Januari-ANSARA 10's 2011
Feb- Perlawanan Persahabatan dengan BRC
Mac-segamat 10's
April-SMSS 10's, Semashur 10`s, MSSMNM 15`s u-18
Mei-Maharani 10's(senior team)&Iskandar 10's(junior team u18)
June-Putrajaya 10's,MSSMNM u-14,u-16
Julai Taiping 10's, SBP 10`s
Sept-UTM 10's
November-segamat 7's & johor 10's (mersing), MSSMNM u15, Kebangsaan
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Benda penting untuk menang!!
Speed plays
Speed plays are manifestations of your commitment to play attacking rugby. They indicate to the opposition that you're in attack mode and intend to stay there. As such their value far outweighs the immediate tactical advantages they bring.
But remember, the most important speed play is the quick re-cycle!
Slow ball from rucks, mauls and set pieces vastly reduces attacking options by allowing the defence time to organize. The almost magical overlap that puts a man over the line in the corner is only possible if fast clean ball is available. Thus, if you only have slow ball you must set up a situation which will concentrate the opposition and hopefully give you fast ball at the next phase. This takes patience which, sadly, is not a common commodity on most rugby fields.
Quick line-out throw
This should be a standard tactic under precise, well understood circumstances. It can be particularly devastating late in the game when the forwards have become habituated to straggling toward the line-out. However, it must always be linked to a planned move - either a long touch kick or (better) a coordinated back sweep. Throwing quickly without a plan is just a time waster -- that's if it isn't a disaster!
Tap penalty
A quickly taken tap penalty will almost certainly gain ten meters and another penalty because the defence hasn't retreated -- if it doesn't produce a scoring opportunity. BUT, the second penalty may not and should not be taken in a hurry! Consider the options! The 10 meters gained may put you in kickable range of the posts -- and in any case the element of surprise is gone. Again, tap penalties work best when there is a method! 9 tapping and darting forward with the ball should instantly bring into being a rehearsed sequence of actions.
22 drop out
This should always be taken immediately and kicked long for designated runners. As usual, this must be planned and rehearsed. (See Kicking.) One of the major benefits of the quick 22 drop-out is that it puts paid to the antics of those time-wasting show-offs who imagine it's smart to dally about behind the line pretending (but not really) that a passing attack is contemplated. Stamping out this sort of idiocy is worthwhile not least because it keeps the coach's blood pressure within normal limits.
Midfield kick-off and restarts
A fast kick at midfield is on only very rarely but once every ten games or so the defense forgets itself and a 10m kick and pick-up is on. If so it should be taken. Watching for the opportunity keeps the kicker on his toes.
Close-to-line strategies
This covers attack and defense strategies within say 15m of the goal line.
In Attack:
The most likely place to score a try is in the corner. The second most likely place is from a line-out or scrum close to the line where you can pre-plan the concentration of forces to drive over. Tap penalty crashes usually need a minimum of 3 safe recycles to find a gap. (Theoretically, the Irish 13-man maul seems to be a potent tactic. Why is it not used more often?) Worked switches seem to provide the most productive possibilities.
In Defence:
Attacks must be stopped first-up and as close to the gain line as possible -- if not behind it!
Close to your own line there is no justification for defence in depth so any player who is "covering" is actually shirking responsibility.
Other factors:
Make tactical substitutions
This is the "impact player" concept but can be used in other ways. Having a red-dog mongrel who is just as likely to score a try as to give one away on your bench should produce a definite temptation to launch him into the fray. It is not unknown for e.g. a substitute 10, simply by his different style to re-energize the back-line after his colleague has kept it carefully in check for 65 minutes. Substitute props even if they're not overall better players can sometimes break a cycle of losing scrums just by being different and this gives an enormous encouragement to the forwards.
"Fresh legs" are most useful at 7, 8, 2, 12 and 15. Move wingers into the loose as extra flankers. Who needs them way out there anyway if you don't have the ball and if you do have it why not concentrate your forces? You've already moved your fullback up, haven't you?
Penalty strategies
In order of efficiency (all things being equal):
a) kick to corner flag and win line-out,
b) take a scrum, split your backs and (switch!) pass long to the wing, and
c) tap penalty, e.g. crash right, ruck, slow heel, crash right again, ruck, immediate heel (no signal), switch, miss passes/fast hands to left wing.
Touch rugby tactical play

This isnt a criticism but there are some things people have got to learn.
A ) Moving up in defence especially on your own line. Defence wins you games. There are different defensive moves but all require ALL players to move forward and put pressure on the attacking team-at the moment this isnt being done. Its easy to make easy metres often or to create something as the defense is giving the opposition too much time with the ball
B ) The Play the ball is way too slow. This is often where you will catch teams off side. Whoever is at dummy half must either run forwards or pass straight away. There is far too much people getting the ball and slowly passing it. I am sure the people who went to Euros saw how fast the Better teams were at the Play the ball area.
C ) Some of the guys seem to not want to pass to the girls in the team. I dont know why but it has been mentioned by a few of the girls. I wont name names but some are known for ignoring the girls and its not on. You have to use all your team-and often the girls are very good at doing the first 3 phases especially.
D ) Run on to a ball and not wait for the ball to come to you. Getting the ball stood still is pointless. You lose likely 1-2 Metres if stood instead of running onto the ball
E ) If somebody is running across the face of the opposition its often because he is dragging the defence one way and it creates gaps. What is needed is for one or two to run an angle giving a further option for the ball carrier. The game is about creating options and chances-and then executing them
F ) If somebody makes a break its important to back up! Just because you have passed the ball doesnt mean your job is done. You should be looking to back up in case
G ) Girls shouldnt be on the wing as they often get exposed by the faster guys. It happens often that a guy will attack a girl on the wing. Its just an easier option to attack than a somebody like Duncan, Nick or one of the girls in the middle who are usually well helped by a guy who has pace and usually more experience etc
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Kejohanan Bawah 15 tahun Kebangsaan di perlis

Perlis 20,21 /11: Pasukan sbpis scorpion akan terbang ke perlis untuk menyertai kejohanan ragbi kebangsaan bawah 15 tahun mewakili negeri Melaka .Pasukan ini terpilih setelah menjadi naib johan cup untuk kejohanan peringkat negeri Melaka.Semoga pasukan ini akan berjaya mendapat tempat yg baik dalam kejohanan diperlis kelak sekurang-kurangnya mara ke peringkat CUP.Insyallah dengan latihan yang mencukupi pasti pasukan sbpis akan berjaya kelak.
berita selanjutnya
Pasukan sbpis telah tewas kepada ssns, sains johor menang dengan smk Arau. pasukan sbpis telah jatuh ke kategori bowl and shields..pusingan kalah mati telah dimenangi oleh sbpis bertemu BMHS,penentuan bowl dan shield dengan menemukan dengan SHAWL telah tewas kemudian separuh akhir shield bertemu mRSM balik pulau kita juga tewas..berakhirla perjuangan sbpis di perlis..Semoga tahun depan pasukan sbpis akan berusaha keras untuk melayakkan diri ke kebangsaan dengan memasuki final cup peringkat negeri..Jumpa di Melaka 2011
MELAKA 6,7/11/2010: Bertempat di padang ragbi MHS kejohanan Melaka Maju 2010 akan diadakan pada tarikh 6 dan 7 November 2010 di mana kejohanan tersebut menampilkan pasukan-pasukan terhandal dari seluruh negara untuk merebut piala Dato Ishak.Kejohanan ini bagi umur 13 dan 14 tahun.Beberapa sekolah dari singapura juga akan menyertai kejohanan ini beserta kelab2 berstatus elit di negara ini untuk pelajar sekolah.Semoga pasukan sbpis akan mengharumkan nama sbpis seterusnya melaka dlm kejohanan ini
Monday, September 27, 2010
Cobra 10`s 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
gambar2 sekitar sbp 10`s di UUM
Pasukan sbpis hanya mampu mara sehingga 3/4 bowl sahaja setelah tewas di tangan stj -14-10 walaupun memberi tentangan yang sengit kepada pihak lawan.sbpis akan mengharungi satu lagi pertandingan penting iaitu cobra 10`s Open pada 2,3 oktober 2010. Diharap semua pemain mengekalkan kecergasan selepas berpuasa dan berhari raya.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
8 Tips menjadi Coach rugby terbaik!!!

Drills boleh mengajar pemain cara cara yang betul untuk melakukan teknik seperti kemahiran menyepak, menangkap , membuat hantaran dan sebagainya. tetapi sebenarnya drill tidak boleh membina keupayaan membuat keputusan yang tepat semasa dalam permainan- seperti kemana harus disepak dan kemana harus pemain itu membuat hantaran. Jadi coach yang hanya menyediakan pasukannya dengan sesi drill hanya menyediakan separuh sahaja kemahiran kepada pemain2 nya. pemain2 saya sendiri kadang2 tidak tahu kemana harus di passing bola dan kapada siapa sepatutnya bola di beri jadi selain drill coach juga seharusnya menerangkan kpd pemain kepada siapa harus dia memberi bola dan kenapa.
2. Encourage Team Play
Satu kerja yang sukar bagi mana2 coach yang mahu mengajar pemain2 yang baru hendak berjinak dengan permainan ragbi.tetapi kita sebagai coach haruslah menghadkan masa kepada pemain untuk berlari semasa memegang bola. Selepas beberapa tempoh waktu kita akan dapat lihat bagaimana mereka akan belajar bagaimana membuat hantaran disamping support rakan2 mereka sendiri. perkara ini memang mengambil masa. Jadi usah kita bimbang kerana permainan ini adalah satu permainan yng bukan boleh dimahirkan dalam jangka tempoh yang pantas
3. Keep them moving
pemain-pemain tidak seharusnya dibiarkan berdiri menunggu giliran semasa kita membuat sesuatu kemahiran kepada pemain2 lain. sekiranya pemain2 ini menunggu sehingga lebih dari 30 saat mereka akan nula hilang tumpuan. jadi coach seharusnya merancang untuk melibatkan pemain dengan drill yang berterusan dan melibatkan semua pemain tanpa mengira posisi mereka. secara alternatifnya kita haruslah merancang second drill untuk kemahiran yang berbeza dari kemahiran pertama tadi seperti quick handling dan passing the ball. sekiranya kita leka pemain2 akan mula bercakap2 sesama mereka dan mula hilang tumpuan
4. seimbangkan antara kerja keras dan keseronokan
Selalulah ingat yang setiap latihan yang kita kendalikan dengan memberi mereka satu sessi latihan yang keras tanpa memberi mereka peluang untuk senyum , ketawa atau berehat akhirnya kita akan dapati mereka akan mula bosan dan memberontak.
5. kepimpinan melalui teladan
sebagai jurulatih remaja kita seharusnya menjadi contoh kepada pemain2 untuk menarik kepercayaan dan hormat mereka kepada kita.jadi sebenarnya pemain2 remaja ini sebenarnya mahu kita menjadi role model kepada mereka. bagaimana caranya, mudah sahaja, cara kita berpakaian, attitude kita adalah contoh terbaik untuk mereka ikut.semasa latihan , tunjukkan contoh seperti proper dress dan memakai kasut yg sesuai, jgn sekali2 memakai kasut selipar semasa latihan
tumpuan remaja ini sangat kurang berbanding pemain2 dewasa. sentiasa bersedia untuk berubah kepada drill yang seterusnya jika kita merasai sebahagian besar pemain sudah mula hilang tumpuan semasa latihan. rancang kemahiran yang teratur sebelum turun latihan, kerana pemain akan sentiasa menunggu kelainan dari kita sebenarnya.kemahiran yang sama membuatkan mereka akan merasa bosan.
7. The importance of ball skills
mulakan setiap sesi latihan dengan handling drill. Encourage mereka untuk membeli sendiri bola setiap seorng supaya mereka dapat membawa kemana sahaja dan bermain2 dirumah. dengan ini akan menjadi satu budaya kepada mereka dirumah semasa musim cuti sekolah atau semasa tiada latihan dipadang sekolah.dengan ini akan dapat meningkatkan keyakinan mereka secara tidak langsung.
8.Pemain2 remaja tidak suka fitness
budak2 memang tidak suka dengan latihan fitness. bagai mana cara mengatsinya ialah dengan merangkumkan semua sesi kecergasan ini dengan drill supaya mereka kurang merasai kepayahan fitness ini.kurangkan sedikit masa rehat mereka dan cuba merancang drill yang merangkumi fitness sekali tanpa mereka sedari.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Kejohanan di Semashur

Pasukan SBPIS akan berangkat ke SEMASHur untuk Bertanding di Open Semashur 10`s bagi kategori bawah 18 tahun.Pasukan SBPIS bagaimanapun akan menghantar pasukan bawah 16 tahun sebagai persediaan menghadapi SBP 10`s pada bulan 8 nanti di kedah.Kejohanan akan berlangsung 26 dan 27 Julai 2010.Semoga pasukan Sbpis akan dapat memberikan persembahan terhebat di pertandingan tersebut.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Spirit of Rugby Challenge 2010

Rugby fans are in for a mouth-watering spectacle in the Spirit of Rugby Challenge 2010 to be held at the MBPJ Stadium Kelana Jaya, Kuala Lumpur on Saturday 12th June 2010.
This is an event that will feature the legendary Classic All Blacks, a team made up of stars from the all-conquering New Zealand national teams of yesteryear who will be the main attraction when they play against the World XVMonday, May 31, 2010
41st HSBC COBRA 10s 2010

The 41st HSBC COBRA 10s 2010 will be held on 13th and 14th November 2010. The event this year will be held at the Petaling Jaya Stadium, Kelana Jaya, Selangor.
The 16 team tournament is expected to include a large number of past participants, some of whom have already confirmed their participation.
The two day event is expected to continue to deliver an exciting weekend of high quality rugby.
Untuk pengetahuan, pasukan SBPIS akan menyertai kejohanan tersebut mewakili pasukan melaka.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Johan Plate Ragbi MSSMNM bawah 18 tahun
Dang Anum,9.5.2010: Pasukan Ragbi SBPIS telah menyertai pertandingan Ragbi MSSMNM yang telah dianjurkan oleh SMK Dang Anum.Pasukan SBPIS telah Menjadi Johan Plate pada kejohanan tersebut setelah tersingkir pada penentuan tempat CUP/Plate.Berikut adalah keputusan perlawanan
Peringkat Kumpulan
Johan Kumpulan
Peringkat Suku akhir CUP/PLATE
SBPIS vs MHS = 0-5
SeParuh Akhir Plate
SBPIS vs MRSM TUN Ghafar Baba = 14-0
Akhir Plate
SBPIS VS SMK Bukit Baru =14-0
Keputusan lain
akhir Bowl
SMK Dang Anum vs SMK Munsyi Abdullah = 24-0
Akhir Cup
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Pra-sukma melaka
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Perlawanan persahabatan

sbpis vs Smk Alaudin = 3-0
sbpis vs mozac =0-0
sbpis vs poli merlimau = 5-2
sbpis vs utem =0-0
sbpis vs teknik jasin(1) = 1-0
sbpis vs exsbpis = 4-1
sbpis vs teknik mlk tgh =5-0
sbpis vs teknik jasin(2) = 3-0
sbpis vs ex rugby mlk 2-0
sbpis vs munshi abdullah 2-0
( 1 try mewakili 5 mata..convert tidak di kira )
Komen Pengurus
-turun training
-semangat untuk menjadi johan CUP masih belum kelihatan
Komen Jurulatih
-Tidak mengikut planing
-main ikut suka hati
-flow bola x cantik ..main spt team ayam jek..