ng up and cooling down are often overlooked as necessary parts of the training and matchday routine. A proper warm up and cool down through stretching techniques can help you improve your performance as well as avoid injuries and Rugby IQ’s Steve McIntyre gives some suggestions on proper warm up and cool down technique.
By: Steve McIntyre, Rugby IQ Strength Coach - http://www.rugbyiq.com/

By: Steve McIntyre, Rugby IQ Strength Coach - http://www.rugbyiq.com/

Many players dislike warming up, cooling down and stretching. They find it boring and often do not do it correctly as a result, leading to sub optimal performances, increased injury risk and recovery times. As a coach or player the more you understand and know about these important parts of your preparation the better.
The warm-up and cool down are basic components of preparation. They play an important role in preparing the player for the activities ahead as well as for optimising the recovery process after exercise.
Example of a warm-up structureWARM-UP (PRE-GAME)
The warm-up and cool down are basic components of preparation. They play an important role in preparing the player for the activities ahead as well as for optimising the recovery process after exercise.

Example of a warm-up structureWARM-UP (PRE-GAME)

Drills Warm Up
12 min – 16 min Skills and Drills. Include some specific game activities such as shield and bag work and wrestling or other contact elements during this time.16 min – 17 min Drinks break
17 min – 30min Game specific drills and patterns.including elements such as lineouts, scrum sets, ruck & maul and back play.
pnting jugk wrm up nih..
ReplyDeletesbb tue la pos menda nie..takde la main taram jek warp up..