DRINKUP Dehydration & Heat Stress = Poor PerformanceAvoid heat stress and poor performance by adequate fluid replacementduring your summer sport or activity. Playing in hot weather will result in extra fluid loss (dehydration) Even small degrees of dehydration will cause a decrease in performance and this can occur at any stage of a match/competition particularly in hotconditions.Dehydration contributes to fatigue and may make you more suseptible to cramps, heat stress and heat stroke ‘Beat The Heat’ using the following measures DO NOT WAIT TO FEELBEFORE YOU DRINK! THIRSTYDRINK PLENTY OF WATER

sweat is mainly water and very little salt; salt tablets are not necessary and can make dehydration worse drink cool water - it is absorbed more rapidly than warm water. If exercise is going to continue for more than 1 hour, use a sports drink (a carbohydrate drink of 5-10% concentration with the addition of a small amount of sodium) thirst is a poor indicator; it is a late signal of severe fluid loss FLUID REPLACEMENT ROUTINEAvoid starting exercise dehydrated. Drink plenty of fluids for several hours prior to participating.Drink at least 500ml (2-3 glasses) ½ to 1 hr before a game Drink at least 200ml (1-2 glasses) every 15 mins during a game Drink at least 500ml to 1 litre (5-6 glasses) after a game and continue to drink until fluid losses are replaced

sweat is mainly water and very little salt; salt tablets are not necessary and can make dehydration worse drink cool water - it is absorbed more rapidly than warm water. If exercise is going to continue for more than 1 hour, use a sports drink (a carbohydrate drink of 5-10% concentration with the addition of a small amount of sodium) thirst is a poor indicator; it is a late signal of severe fluid loss FLUID REPLACEMENT ROUTINEAvoid starting exercise dehydrated. Drink plenty of fluids for several hours prior to participating.Drink at least 500ml (2-3 glasses) ½ to 1 hr before a game Drink at least 200ml (1-2 glasses) every 15 mins during a game Drink at least 500ml to 1 litre (5-6 glasses) after a game and continue to drink until fluid losses are replaced
idup n0gh0ri sembilan..budak n0gori memang b0sar2..cb0 tgk bdk sdar..x k0 b0sar bdn eh..