Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Kejohanan Ragbi MSSMNM U-15, u-14

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The Basics of Warming Up, Cooling Down and Stretching

By: Steve McIntyre, Rugby IQ Strength Coach - http://www.rugbyiq.com/

The warm-up and cool down are basic components of preparation. They play an important role in preparing the player for the activities ahead as well as for optimising the recovery process after exercise.

Example of a warm-up structureWARM-UP (PRE-GAME)

Drills Warm Up
12 min – 16 min Skills and Drills. Include some specific game activities such as shield and bag work and wrestling or other contact elements during this time.16 min – 17 min Drinks break
17 min – 30min Game specific drills and patterns.including elements such as lineouts, scrum sets, ruck & maul and back play.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Drink for game!

sweat is mainly water and very little salt; salt tablets are not necessary and can make dehydration worse drink cool water - it is absorbed more rapidly than warm water. If exercise is going to continue for more than 1 hour, use a sports drink (a carbohydrate drink of 5-10% concentration with the addition of a small amount of sodium) thirst is a poor indicator; it is a late signal of severe fluid loss FLUID REPLACEMENT ROUTINEAvoid starting exercise dehydrated. Drink plenty of fluids for several hours prior to participating.Drink at least 500ml (2-3 glasses) ½ to 1 hr before a game Drink at least 200ml (1-2 glasses) every 15 mins during a game Drink at least 500ml to 1 litre (5-6 glasses) after a game and continue to drink until fluid losses are replaced
The Early Rugby History
The tournament expects to draw a total of 45,000 spectators at the stadium during the three-day duration of the tournament. Of these an estimated one third (15,000) is expected to be foreigners. With television coverage, both locally and internationally, the Malaysia Sevens will be viewed by well over 300 million people in all the 16 participating countries, either via live or delayed telecast. The spectators and viewers will comprise of both male and female viewers between the ages of 12 and 60. Rugby, being an immensely popular sport in both local and international residential schools and varsities, has a loyal following among middle and upper income professionals and top management, as well as the man on the street as the sport is fast paced and exciting.
History Of Rugby
Rugby first started in 1823 when William Webb Ellis spontaneously decided to spoil his schoolmate's soccer game by picking up the ball and running with it towards the goal line. That single act at the Rugby School brought the game into being where it is today and for future generations who would play this game. In 1839 the first rugby club was established in Cambridge and after 32 years the Rugby Football Union was established which governed the game in England and organised the first test match between Scotland and England. Then in 1886 the International Rugby Board was formed which governs the game worldwide.
But only after 40 years the laws of the game was altered in which rugby looks more like it does today. The game's first World Cup was held in 1987 and followed by the second and third in 1991 and 1995 respectively. Currently, the Rugby World Cup has the second largest TV viewership around the world, next to the Soccer World Cup with an estimated 3 billion viewers. Sevens rugby started in Scotland as a charity event which eventually developed into a fast and exciting game.
The first Rugby Sevens World Cup was held, rightfully in Scotland in RUGBY IN MALAYSIA The first inter-club match was played in 1902 between Singapore Cricket Club and Selangor Club. But locals were only involved in the game in 1921 when Captain H. T Butler presented a trophy named after the HMS Malaya battleship. So the game started in with Selangor, Ipoh District, Singapore, Malacca and Negeri Sembilan being the first participants with the Malaya Rugby Union which was also established in 1921 as the joint committee. In 1959 the Malaya Rugby Union organised its first international match between Cambridge Universities XV and Malayan XV in Kuala Lumpur.
In 1983 the first Inter-State Rugby tournament was introduced namely the Agomg's Cup and the game's gaining popularity with the first National Inter-Club tournament in 1995. Sevens rugby was introduced in Malaya in 1935 with a competition organised by the Singapore Cricket Club and since then spread throughout the country. In 1963, the famous RSC Jonah Jones Sevens was introduced by Mr Jones. To date there are numerous sevens tournament in Malaysia such as the National Sevens and Super Sevens organised by the Malaysia Rugby Union. There are more than 300 rugby clubs in Malaysia including government bodies and 600 schools playing rugby with 10,000 active players.
Team Rugby Malaysia menewaskan China
Selepas menewaskan pasukan India di peringkat playoff pada hari Rabu dengan keputusan 43 - 29, pasukan Malaysia sekali lagi turun untuk menentang pasukan China yang diletakkan sebagai pasukan pilihan selepas beberapa kali mengecewakan pasukan Malaysia sebelum ini.
China memulakan perlawanan dengan baik apabila Zhum Chen pantas memintas hantaran pemain Malaysia di kawasan 22 mereka untuk melakukan try dan seterusnya dengan mudah Bo Zhou menyempurnakan sepakan conversion untuk mendahului dengan 7 - 0 di minit pertama. Tetapi asakan Malaysia selepas itu, menyaksikan pula Nacani Seniu meloloskan diri untuk melakukan try sulong Malaysia dan seterusnya menyamakan kedudukan apabila sepakan conversion Mohamad Faiz Shamsukhidir melepasi palang.
Enam minit kemudian, Bo Zhau sekali lagi meletakkan China dihadapan apabila sepakan penaltinya melepasi palang untuk menjadikan kedudukan 10 - 07 dan 3 minit kemudian, Malaysia gagal untuk menyamakan kedudukan apabila sepakan Mohd Fairuz Abdul Rahman tersasar sebelum dia dikeluarkan kerana mengalami kecederaan di buku lali. Bagaimanapun kombinasi serangan yang dimulakan dengan gerakan solo di minit ke 22 oleh Mohamad Faiz yang di sokong oleh Nik Safuan Ismade dan seterusnya disudahkan oleh Nacani untuk try ke dua Malaysia di bawah tiang gol memberi peluang kepada Mohamad Faiz melakukan conversion mudah untuk meletakkan Malaysia dihadapan dengan skor 14 - 10.
Beberapa peluang yang diperolehi oleh Malaysia selepas itu tidak dapat disudahkan dengan baik untuk menambah mata, sebaliknya China yang menggunakan susuk tubuh mereka yang lebih besar menggempur barisan forward Malaysia untuk melakukan try dari set line-out sebelum wisel rehat dibunyikan dengan kedudukan China mendahului 15 - 14.
Separuh masa ke dua, Malaysia kembali garang selepas mendapat mandat baru dari ketua jurulatih, Deano Herewini. Empat minit selepas dimulakan, Mohamad Faiz meletakkan kembali Malaysia di hadapan dengan sepakan penalti beliau dan di minit ke 60, hasil dari sepakan "punting" Mohamad Faiz yang agak baik ke dalam kawasan China memberi peluang kepada pemain gantian Sarizan Yasir untuk melakukan try apabila bola melantun tepat ke arah beliau untuk melakukan try mudah dan seterusnya 8 minit kemudian, giliran Timoci Nacokula meloloskan diri untuk membuat try ke 4 Malaysia dan try ke 2 peribadi beliau dalam kejohanan ini. Dengan kejayaan sepakan conversion dari Mohamad Faiz, Malaysia selesa di hadapan dengan kedudukan 31 - 15.
Pemain China yang nampak sedikit keletihan selepas mengharungi 70 minit permainan dalam keadaan cuaca yang agak panas dan kekurangan pemain gantian kerana mereka hanya hadir dengan 19 pemain dalam kejohanan ini, gagal untuk bangkit bagi memberi tentangan terutamanya apabila pasukan Malaysia memasukkan semua 6 pemain gantian mereka untuk mempertahankan kubu Malaysia.
Asakan Malaysia dalam tempuh 5 minit terakhir permainan, menyaksikan Lee Wei Meng dan Semi Seruvakula mengambil giliran untuk mencatat nama sebagai penyumbang mata melalui try mereka dan Mohamad Faiz sekali lagi melaksanakan tugasannya sebagai penendang conversion untuk menamatkan perlawanan dengan keputusan 43 - 15.
Sorakan padu penyokong dan peminat sukan ragbi yang hadir di Stadium UITM Shah Alam sudah semestinya menjadikan kem pasukan Malaysia bersorak gembira apabila wisel penamat dibunyikan oleh Andrew Tranet dari Hong Kong.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Pasukan rugby u-15 di pertandingan cross straits di COBRA
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Menempa Sejarah masuk Final CUP

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
How do we develop “the art of rugby?
2. Make technical training the Priority
Employ creative teaching methods:
“Anyone who does not know what it feels like to beat an opponent, to see a solo run capped with success, or to be able to do more or less anything with the ball, automatically lacks the specific qualities needed to train players rugby” (Wiel Coerver)
4. Perfect skilful players
Invest in talent centers:
“In France, we are not interested in constructing human robots.”
(Aime Jacquet)
6. Use realistic, effective practices
Establish a practice culture:
“Before Eric Cantona, we trained – after, we practiced.” (Alex Ferguson)
8. Develop football personalities
Learn from the best
Produce imaginative trainers/coaches
“There is no art where there is no style, and
no style where there is no unity”
(Oscar Wilde)
1. Individual talent
2. Fluid movement
3. Game appreciation
4. Explosive power
5. Imaginative moves
6. Flow and rhythm
7. Stylist play
8. Positive personalities
Food for Thought
If an athlete is coached with hostility, he learns to fight
If an athlete is coached with ridicule, she learns to hate
If an athlete is coached with shame, he learns to feel guilty
If an athlete is coached with tolerance, she learns to be patient
If an athlete is coached with fairness, he learns justice
If an athlete is coached with consistency, she learns to trust
If an athlete is coached with respect, he learns to respect himself
If an athlete is coached with encouragement, she learns to be confident
If an athlete is coached with praise, he learns to appreciate
Monday, April 13, 2009
Kejohanan u-14 dan u-16 MSSMNM
RABU - U-14
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Kejohanan Ragbi Bawah 15 tahun Sbpi Selandar
Kejohanan Tertutup Ragbi bawah 15 tahun SBPIS
1.Pendedahan kepada pelajar akan mematangkan pemain dalam permainan ini
2.Pemain berbakat akan dikumpulkan dan diberi latihan untuk menubuhkan pasukan bawah 13 dan 14 tahun
3.Penyertaan ke kejohanan di luar sekolah setelah pasukan sekolah dibentuk
Format pertandingan
- Peraturan pertandingan mengikut peraturan yang biasa diamalkan dalam kejohanan anjuran MSsM
Masa permainan mengikut format 7-1-7 - Empat pasukan akan menyertai kejohanan ini iaitu mengikut rumah sukan
- Untuk mengalak penyertaan di kalangan pelajar tingkatan 1 dan 2 setiap pasukan akan hanya dibenarkan mendaftarkan 3 org pelajar tingkatan 3, 6 org pelajar tingkatan 2 dan 6 org pelajar ting 1
- Setiap pasukan akan diundi untuk mewakili pasukan A,B,C,D
Tarikh dan tempat Kejohanan
Tarikh : 27 Mac 2009
Hari : Jumaat
masa : 3.30 ptg
Tempat : Padang Ragbi SBPI Selandar
Referee : Ckg Mohd Lazim dan Ckg Mohd Hafiz
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Kemahiran Asas Ragbi
- Position correctly on set's call crouch and hold
- Front rows are a safe distance apart
- Crouched and bound
- Feet, hips and shoulders are all square
- Bend at he kness and hips
- Shoulders above hips at all time
- Head up, chin off chest
- Back straight-spine in line
- Eyes focused on target area
- Weight off the heels and on balls of feet
2. Alignment
3.Angles of Running
1.Understand options
2.Create space
3.Face jumper
4.Co-ordinate jump
5.Step inwards
6.Drive upwards
7.Protect the jumper
8.Control desent
9.Seal ball of from the opposition
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Kriteria ujian kelayakan untuk menjadi pemain ragbi sbpis
A.Ujian Anthropometrik
i.Ketinggian berdiri
ii.Panjang depa
iii.Ketinggian duduk
iv.Berat badan
B.Ujian Kecergasan
1.Ujian lari pecut 40m
2.Ujian duduk dan jangkau
3.Ujian lari ulang-alik 10m
4.Ujian lompat jauh berdiri
5.Ujian bleep
Team rugby under 18
kapten Pasukan : Mohd Zakwan
Sisme Sisme Aummmmm!!!!

- Kejohanan ragbi Mssmnm bwh-18 tahun (johan Plate)
- Kejohanan ragbi Mssmnm bawah 16-thn ( bulan 8 )
- Kejohanan ragbi Mssmnm bawah 15 -thn ( bulan 10 )
- Sbp 10`s di Sms Johor ( bulan 6)
- Kejohanan cross-straits di cobra bawah 14 dan 13 tahun (bulan 6)